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When you ask people what they fear most about giving speech, they list any number of reasons. Here are most common reasons people list for being afraid of public speaking with suggestions for what do to overcome that fear. Read More...

This involves shaping the way people think and feel.


Spend less time trying to make people understand what you want, and more time making them feel understood. In an ideal world people might make decisions, commitments, and judgments based on logic and sound reasoningRead More...


Projecting a commanding presence is somehow related to charisma, which is, according to The American Heritage Dictionary, “the rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm” Read More...

It  is   especially  true   whenever  computers  and  projectors  are wrong  while  you  can’t  anticipate  exactly  what  will  go  wrong    during  any  particular  presentation , you  can  plan  for  any  number  of   possibilities.Read More...

  • How to plan a technical presentation (Podium Power)

TECHNICAL EXPERTS - SCIENTISTS, engineers, and programmers – are being asked more and more frequently to give presentations. And not just to other technical experts. Often they are speaking to people with little or no technical expertise, to people from marketing, sales, and finance. Read More...


The ability to give a speech is one of the most valued business skills today. And yet most people report that giving a speech is their number one phobia. Read More

The purpose of introduction serves two purposes
1.    It acts as a bridge, a transition from one part of a meeting to another, thus giving the audience time to make mental and emotional shift. Read More...

  • HOW TO GIVE A SPEECH (Podium Power)

You have already prepared and rehearsed your presentation. Now the big day has arrived. Here’s what you can do to give a speech you can be proud of. Read More... 

13 steps on How to write a song.

I am in Gospel Musical band and I sing, write, and perform a lot of songs. Anytime I show people or some of my friends and family members the lists of my songs written by me they are amazed and the big question that come is: “How come you are able to write songs of this magnitude?” My answer to them is simple “Talent is awesome, if you’re talented,
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  • Tips for being a good writer
There are six things you can do to be a better (ahem, more effective) writer. The following is what I recommend (click the links to read articles on each subject): Read More...

  • 13 steps on How to write a song.
I am in Gospel Musical band and I sing, write, and perform a lot of songs. Anytime I show people or some of my friends and family members the lists of my songs written by me they are amazed and the big question that come is: “How come you are able to write songs of this magnitude?” My answer to them is simple... Read More...

  • 13 Steps to Being a World-Class Athlete (basic steps you must follow)
Be Committed: Am a big soccer fan and I really love it, recalling the last World Cup before Brazil 2014 where my country Nigerian Super Eagles played, they were kicked out in the first round and they came back home and everybody were sad about it. And one of the major      causes of their defeat was that they lacked Commitment, am not saying that they are not good players, of course they are. But what took them out quickly was lack of commitment in playing for their Country. Now flash back a little to the just concluded World Cup in Brazil, the entire nation saw their high level of commitment in the team and were proud of them, even though they were knocked out in the quarter final at least they were committed...  Read More...

  • The Eight Habits of Extremely Successful Entrepreneurs.
Great entrepreneurs don’t write great books. In fact, they don’t write many books at all.
Neither fact is surprising. Successful entrepreneurs are typically too busy innovating to write down much of anything. And on those rare occasions when they attempt to create a book, it’s filled with what they did, and not what led to their idea in the first place. As a rule, they are not particularly introspective. So if we want to know what makes them successful—in order to improve our own companies whether we work for a huge one or our own start up—we need to study them.  And that is exactly what I have been doing professionally for the last 30 years.
Here’s what I have found...  

13 steps on How to write a song.

I am in Gospel Musical band and I sing, write, and perform a lot of songs. Anytime I show people or some of my friends and family members the lists of my songs written by me they are amazed and the big question that come is: “How come you are able to write songs of this magnitude?” My answer to them is simple “Talent is awesome, if you’re talented,
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13 steps on How to write a song.

I am in Gospel Musical band and I sing, write, and perform a lot of songs. Anytime I show people or some of my friends and family members the lists of my songs written by me they are amazed and the big question that come is: “How come you are able to write songs of this magnitude?” My answer to them is simple “Talent is awesome, if you’re talented,
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